I think there might be a problem with Google Scholar!

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Google scholar seems to be having problems with papers are originally indexed as arXiv preprints, then go on to be published elsewhere. e.g. a journal.  Google Scholar seems to ignore the new (real) citation, and be stuck with the arXiv submission- Has anyone else experienced this issue?

Case in point: A new paper I have out in PeerJ, that was originally an arXiv submission:

This is what google Scholar shows, today. Other papers, including newer ones from PeerJ can be seen in Google Scholar, so I don’t think its a matter of not waiting long enough..

Screen Shot 2013-08-05 at 7.55.38 AM



The related articles and versions that google scholar lists– none of them are the PeerJ paper. It’s as if the new paper is completely invisible to Google Scholar.

Searching Google Scholar is futile as well- it lists the arXiv paper, but NOT the PeerJ paper. Try it out for yourself:



Of note, this exact same thing is happening with another paper, the Assemblathon 2 paper- Google Scholar only sees the arXiv version, NOT the GigaScience version.

Google Scholar does not seem to index citations from preprints, and if the pub is lost, your h-index is not going to increase as fast unless Google Scholar fixes this. I’ve sent a message to their tech support, but am not expecting too much there..



  • vittorio peano

    There are several thread on the internet regarding this problem and I have experienced it myself several times. Do not worry eventually (in a matter of months) google scholar will update your profile with the published version.